Sunday, July 22, 2012

Happily (N)Ever After

We’ve heard them a thousand times. Those three little words at the end of every story, where the damsel in distress is saved from the evil dragon or witch or whatever by her knight in shining armor. Then the two of them ride off into the sunset, become king and queen of the kingdom, have many kids and live, wait for it,

Happily. Ever. After.


Every story may start with Once Upon A Time, but they sure as hell don’t end with Happily Ever After.

My story’s got a few of those Once Upon A Time deals. “Once Upon A Time, I was happy,” for example. Or, “Once Upon A Time, things made sense.” Oh! Even better: “Once Upon A Time, I made the right kind of decisions.”

My story’s got everything else, too. Damsels in distress, knights in shining armor, evil dragons and witches. Not gonna lie, I’ve been all three. Which one am I now?

That, is an excellent question.

I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. But that’s the problem with every fairy tale, isn’t it? Everything is so clean cut. Good must win, evil must fail. Just once can’t we be realistic about things and not let the prince get his princess, or let the evil queen rule over her kingdom for all eternity? I mean, how many real happily ever afters are there. Not a whole lot. Every time you think you see one, it just turns into another plot twist in this great big fucked up Choose-Your-Own-Adventure we call life.

The difference being, there really aren’t happy endings. I know my story’s far from over, but the way I see it, I’m gonna be sitting in this here tower waiting for my Prince Charming for a long, long time.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Woodwork Angels

Well hello. You appear to have stumbled onto that which I can call my own, Woodwork Angels. You obviously clicked that link for a reason. I'm not going to bother asking what that reason was, because I probably don't care. The only reason I'm here, is to answer the question I know no one's asking.

What is a Woodwork Angel, and why is that the name of your blog?

Thank you mysterious voice from inside my head that's probably the early stages of schizophrenia. I'm glad you asked. I'm a Woodwork Angel. Always there, always listening. A guardian angel that happens to blend into the woodwork. I will be the first to admit, I am not an angel sent from heaven, for I am merely mortal, but I do my best to help the greater good. Offer an listening ear to those who wish to speak, an open shoulder to those that need to cry.

However, that only covers the Angel part of our little title. The Woodwork part is what I mentioned above, someone who blends into the background. Despite my offers of being that which one can vent to, my history and the like have caused my kindness to fall on deaf ears. I have resigned myself to the fact that the guardian angel I wish to be will never conquer the spiteful demon I am.


This blog is in no way a pity party for how shitty my life may seem to my angsty teenage self, so get of your self righteous high horse and save your shit for someone who gives an actual fuck. No no no, the purpose of this blog is for me to post whatever comes to my sick and twisted mind, regardless of how attention whorey/vague-enough-to-be-mildly depressing/passive-agressive/self righteous/whatever it may seem to you. That's what I thought at the moment, and I wanted to post it for whomever actually reads this shit, not that anyone probably does, but it's whatever.